Blog Update: & MORE!

I have a little list of some cool stuff I want to share with you 🙂


First off! I upgraded my WordPress plan, so that I now have a custom URL!

I have been blogging for almost two months now, and I don’t feel any urge to quit. I still have so many ideas and plans I have not gotten to post yet.

So given that, and the fact that it only cost $4 a month, I jumped in!


Secondly! I decided on a logo for SindrElf’s monthly GEEKY RECIPE.

A few people voted on the poll, and I also asked the people on the logodesign subreddit, and some” irl-people aswell. The consensus seemed to be that my little SindrElf doodle wearing a chefs-hat was the best option.


Thirdly! I improved the header for the Fireballx3 page.

I was just not happy with the first header. I had just put three Fireball-cards in a line so they would spell Fireball-Fireball-Fireball. Did not look great.

The new header is at least a bit 

funny 😉

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Philharmonic Space Orchestra

I just got back from watching the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra perform sci-fi music in the Grieghallen concert hall.


The swedish film-critic Orvar Säfström made the setlist, and what a setlist it was! Star Wars, Serenity, Aliens, just to mention a few!

I actually teared up a bit from the Halo 2 piece


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