5 MSFW NSP Songs

A lot of the songs by Ninja Sex Party are quite raunchy, but here are five mostly safe for work ‘Ninja Sex Party’ songs.


Dinosaur Laser Fight

Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian teaches a classroom full of kids the science of dinosaurs, and how they battled robots with lasers.

The animated bits were made by Arin Hanson, aka Egoraptor.


Attitude City

Danny is rock as fuck, just ask his mom!

The animated bits were made by Gregzilla, and the tagging on the wall were various bits of NSP fan-art.


Let’s Get This Terrible Party Started

A party anthem works wonders for getting party attendees psyched!

But there needs to be an actually good party underneath it all, or the whole thing just seems silly.

For the record, I think a ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ party would actually be pretty cool.


Dragon Slayer

Danny tries to win over a woman, by bragging about how he defeated a mythical beast.


Eating Food In The Shower

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The Saga of Ninja Brian

While Brian Wecht is just a simple theoretical physicist turned musician, his alter ego Ninja Brian is far more interesting.


After a life of murder and mayhem, Ninja Brian met the illustrious Danny Sexbang, and the two formed the band Ninja Sex Party.

Brian filled the role of the straight-laced pragmatic, to Danny’s hopeless romantic.

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